
Sell Note Videos

Here are some helpful videos that include important tips and suggestions from mortgage note experts.


Did you know that you call sell your real estate note for cash?  First National Acceptance Company, a pioneer in the note buying industry, has been purchasing privately held real estate notes since 1974.

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Why Is There a Discount?

In this short video, we explain what a discount is when selling a real estate note.  The concepts explained here are instrumental to helping you understand how to receive the best offer possible.  

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Nuestro Proceso es simple!

Si le interesa vender nota de hipoteca, ha venido al sitio correcto. Somos un comprador directo de contratos hipotecarios y hacemos la venta de contratos hipotecarios fácil. Está solo a unos pocos pasos para vender un contrato y recibir una gran oferta!

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